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Shopping addiction: A brief review

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  • online shopping addiction is the “new form of digital addiction”
  • online shopping addiction is much prevalent due to less time and placement limitations
  • shopping addiction relates to nonsubstance-addiction/behavior addiction, but are not yet implemented in psychiatric nosology


  • diagnosis, different types, therapeutic approaches, and empirical studies of shopping addiction
  • a brief overview of various aspects of shopping addiction

Classification and Diagnostics


  • Compulsive Buying measurement Scale
    • propensity to buy
    • urge to buy
    • postpurchase guilt
    • family environment
  • Hohenheim Shopping Addiction Test: modified German version of the “Compulsive Buying Measurement Scale”
  • Survey of Compensatory and Addictive Shopping Behavior
    • based on the Compulsive Buying measurement Scale
  • Bergen shopping addiction scale
    • technologically and culturally neutral and can therefore be used flexibly
    • use for both online and offline shopping

Types of Shopping Behavior

Why online shopping results in more additive behavior?

Internet-Based Shopping Behavior

  • no time and place restrictions
  • more anonymity or product diversity
  • adaptive marketing strategies like personalized advertising

Offline Shopping

  • need knowledgeable/understanding instore staff to ensure the shopping experience

Mood Shopping

  • use shopping to get relieved from negative emotions

Impulse Shopping

  • result of spontaneous purchase decisions that are less based on cognitive control but more on the direct reaction to certain stimuli
  • Most shoppers start to stock up those products due to the fear that they will not be available at a later date. Such a case has been manifested with the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic

Leisure Shopping

  • shopping to save money for the sole purpose to shop in known shopping capitals (Paris, Milan and Istanbul).